06 March 2009


Am I happy? Certainly, because now I at home!! One of my satisfactions is be with my family. It doesn’t mean I’m not pleased being at Segamat, but with all the assignments, my project paper and the schedule makes me feels so tense. So, I want to get new strength to tackle with problems and challenges that I need to face it after my holidays. Is it my holidays??? No, I don’t feel so. It’s just about doing my works at home. Yeah right!!!

One of the best thing that if I at home, I love to eat my mom’s cook. But I think, u all will be of the same mind with my statements right? Hehehe..(Agree with me please!!!). As I’m waiting my sis went back, (she’s studying at KMJ) I went to kitchen. Guess what? My favorite’s dishes!! I was like ‘dah lama mengidam kot nak makan’. Thanks ibu for cooked ‘ketam masak lemak cili padi’. For a moment I overlook my diet. Hahaha..

P/S: For someone that complaining that I’m too lazy to update my blog’s, so this is the new one. (I’m too busy plus there is no idea that I want to share with, so you need to understand that).


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