25 June 2009

Bye-Bye 'L'

Entri kali ini ada dua cerita yang aku nak bagi. Dah lama sebenarnya nak post blog. Tetapi, apabila datangnya kesibukan dan juga masalah yang tidak diminta, akibatnya tertangguh lah semuanya.

Okie,first things first. Father's Day.

Ye,sempena meraikan bapa2 di dunia aku mestilah meraikan abah aku kan? Mestilahnyer.. Dapat pulak nak meraikan bapa2 orang lain, melainkan nanti ada bapa mertua. =p

Petang tu aku dan angah ada driving class. It suppose be the last class,but unfortunately adik aku yang bertuah ni sudah misplace her license. Jadi,aku je lah yang boleh bawa on the road. Bukan apa, Encik Karim kata tak mahu dia di saman. Haish.. Mestilah balik rumah ibu sudah naik hangin satu badan. Lagipun kami akan ada test JPJ pada 24hb. Tidak ada lesen, kamu tidak boleh ambil test JPJ. That's the rule. Lihat! Mood untuk berseronok sudah hilang. Tetapi, perkara yang dah dirancang haruslah di buat juga. Ibu ajak abah bawa kami semua di Sate Ria yang lokasinya terletak di Seksyen 9.

Lihat saja banting2 ini ye. Bukan ada sate je tau. Macam-macam ada.

Inilah sate yang dihidangkan. Teringat bila kat Segamat, bila mengidam nak makan sate. Huhu

Inilah abah. Gambar hanya dari tepi sahaje ye. I love you abah!

**********SELAMAT HARI BAPA**********

Next,ada kaitan dengan tajuk entri kali ini..

Aku mahu mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada lesen L. Hehe.. Haa,untuk pengetahuan semua, aku dah boleh membawa kereta di jalanraya. Alhamdulillah,lulus ujian memandu dari JPJ. Tamat azab aku. Bolehlah membawa anda2,kamu2 di sana bersiar2 makan angin dan udara yang dicemari. Hahaha.. =p

P/s: Ku sayang kamu....

17 June 2009

Long Tag from Syawallia Asyikin

Survey once you are tagged, Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

Starting time:
10.50 pm(waktu jam di laptop)

Hafizah Binti Abdul Rahim


Abdul Hannan
Abdul Hanif

Eye Color:
Boley tak nak biru? hehehe.. Hitam je.

Shoe size:
Ni yang pelik. Dulu saiz 5,tapi dah mengecut kot. Jadi saiz 4.
Tak paham beta. Huhuhu..

Black and white bila dah tua. =P

Ada je. Tapi tak pakai pun. Rimas.

Last ukur time kat Bukit Tinggi,152 cm. Rendah je,tak macam Ana ngan Syikin.

What are you wearing right now?:
Shirt dan seluar pendek. Duduk rumah je kot.

Where do you live?:
Di Batu 3. Dekat dengan batu dua. Kubur la.(Seksyen 21). Tapi,dekat sangat dengan KTM. Jarang pun guna.

Favourite number:

Favourite drink:
Jus oren,tembikai,epal dan sewaktu dengannya. Carrot susu tak pernah nak cuba. Kopi and nescafe bila time exam.

Favourite month:
Of course January. =) Sebab apa? Tak yah tanya lar. Paham2 sudah.

Favourite day:
TAK DE. Bila rasa happy tu la favourite day.

Favourite breakfast:
Roti bakar cicah sardin. Dah lama tak buat. =p


Have You Ever Broken a bone:
Hahaha.. suka giler soalan ni. PERNAH. When i was in standard 5.
Sebab? Hanya jatuh basikal. Tayar pancit rupenyer. Ceh3x..

Been in a police car:
Nak jugak rasa. Tapi tak nak tanya ke pernah tak naik motosikal dengan pak guard? Siapa pernah? Takkk kan?? Tapi aku pernah. Huhu.. ANA,kamu tau kenapa!

Been on a plane:
Pernah. Sangat gayat. Tapi best.

Been in a hot tub:
Pernah. Tapi air sejuk lagi best. Hahaha..

Swam in the ocean:
Air cetek2 boleh la nak berlagak. Huhu..

Fallen asleep in school:
Kat sekolah tak pernah. Sebab aku duduk depan.
Tapi kat U,duduk depan pun leh telelap. Tak cukup tido sebab buat Viva. Huhuhu.. Pasni,nak pastikan tido 8 jam. Jaga kesihatan. =)

Broken someone’s heart:
Ops! Mungkin,tapi apekan daya. Beta tak mampu nak jaga hati semua.

Cried when someone died?:
Of course because he/she no longer in this world.

Fell off your chair:
Never. Buat orang nak jatuh pernah lah. Kat sekolah. Hahaha.. Siapa suruh ko jongket2? Padan muka!!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
Tu namanya 'angau'. Tak pernah lagi. Hahaha..

Saved e-mails:
Yes! I'll select that important to me. =)

Been cheated on:
I dont even want to remember that!!

What is Your room like? :
Best. Nyaman bila bukak aircond. Tapi,takleh lama2. Bil letrik naik,siapa nak bayar? Kamu?

What is right beside you?:
Baju2 yang belum dilipat,my phone,kerusi2.

What is the last thing you ate?:
KFC dan air kelapa.

Ever Had Chicken pox:
Yup! Time form 4. Tapi boleh dikira berapa je.

Sore throat:
Pernah tapi sekejap je. =(


Broken nose:
Never. Tapi siapa nak hidung mancung,patahkan hidung korang. Then,pergi hospital suroh doktor tarik kuat2. Heee..

Do You Believe in love at first sight?:
Sorry. I dont.

Like picnics:

Wear contact lenses or glasses?
I'm wearing both.

Who was the last person you danced with?:
Dengan budak2. Hee.. Menari sorang2 je pun ada.

Who last made you smile?:
Seorang budak yang hilang kat PKNS petang tadi. Tapi,nasib parents dia dapat jumpa balik.
Dahlah comel. Nasib tak culik bawa balik.

Who did you last yell at?:
Alya Batrisyia. Mana tak nya,kencing kat seluar. Haish..

Random Questions

What are you listening to right now?:
Because im stupid by SS501.
Kalau korang pernah tengok Boys Over Flower,korang mesti tahu. Lagu dia best kan??

What did you do today?:
Pergi sekolah ambil sijil SPM(dah bertahun baru nak pergi),temankan kawan ibu pergi JPJ renew lesen anak dia(sangat bosan sebab kena tunggu lama),pergi PKNS makan KFC sebab tunggu bahan photostat meeting ibu hari ahad ni,beli no pin kat BSN untuk mohon PTPTN. Balik duduk menghadap laptop sampai lupa kat adik. Haa.. Panjang kan?

Hate someone in your family?:
Why should i hate my own family? Gilak kamu.

Diamond or pearl?:
Mana lagi mahal aku suka. Hahah..

Are you the oldest?:
Oldest and the eldest.

Indoors or outdoors?
I prefer both. =)

Today did you talk to someone you like?:
If u mean texting? Yup.

Kiss anyone?:
Abdul Hanif.

Get sick?:
Entahlah. Dah lama tak sakit pulak. Amin.

Yes. Always.

Talk to an ex?:
Lost contact. Never want to do that pun.

Miss someone of the opposite sex?:
U can tell me that.

Hari ini tak selera sangat nak makan. Besok selera kot. Hee..

Last person who you talked to on the phone?:

Made you cry?:
Lebih kurang sebulan lebih yang lalu.

Went to the movies with?
With angah. Drag me to hell. Disgusting punya nenek kebayan. EEEE..

You went to the mall with?
Angah. Sunway Pyramid. Dia banyak beli barang,aku tengokkan je. Huhuhu=(

Texted you?
Akid Uzair,Junaidah,Shamin,Piqa,Hazirah, Naim dan Kak Ada. For today.

Been to Mexico?
Not yet. Ada sesiapa sudi nak bawak ke?

Been to USA?
Maybe one day. Who knows?

Final Questions

Have a crush on someone?:
No longer exist.

What books are you reading right now?:
Ties The Knot. Lembab betul nak habiskan.

Best feeling in the world?:
Further degree kat Shah Alam. Buat masa ni kot.

Future kids names?:
Still searching but i cant find girl's name. Dunno why. Boys ada,tapi girls tak banyak sebab belum masanya lagi nak fikir kot. Nak pilih nama yang best dan pelik2. Hahaha.. Tapi ada maksud la kan.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:
Spongebob tu binatang ke? Ada,bear kesayangan. MIJO.

What’s under your bed?:
Ada kasut2,hadiah2,dan tangga.

Favorite sport(s)?:
Bola, badminton, 4x100(aku pernah masuk time darjah tak ingat) Hahaha.. Lupa dah,tapi dapat tempat ketiga.

Favorite place:
Bilik sendiri.

Who do you really hate?
Tak baik kan benci orang. There's nothing that u will get if u hate someone.

Do you have a job?:
Ada. Menjual anggur. Selain menjadi suri rumahtangga sepenuh masa. Hee..

What time is it now?:
12.15 am (waktu di laptop juga)

Nak tagged :
Sesiapa yang nak buat. Allow to do so.

p/s : Syikin,ni tag yang sangat panjang sampai kita dah penat nak taip. Macam berlari membawa guni pasir di padang pasir.

*Windu kamulah syikin. Dan budak yang nak pergi Melaka tu. Huhuhu..
14 June 2009

~Birthday Angah~

14hb Jun, adalah birthday adik aku yang second. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGAH. Hari ini celebrate birthday dia kat Ramai Seafood,kat Klang. Nak makan pizza macam baru je lagi makan so, abah bawalah kitorang satu family kat situ. Aku tak sempat nak snap2 gambar, ni semua salah seekor kucing kat situ. Kacau2. Banyak jugalah order,aku kenyang sangat. Tak ada gambar, list makanan boleh? Korang imagine kan je lah eh? Okie, kita start. Nasi putih untuk lima orang makan, daging masak merah, tom yam campur, sayur campur, ikan siakap masak tiga rasa, ikan kembung bakar, udang tepung, telur bungkus dan juga air epal. Mahunya aku tak kenyang. Makan ni sikit, tu sikit. Hahahaha... Jangan tamak kata orang.

On the way balik, aku tengah sedap2 layan lagu kat radio, tiba-tiba ada satu kumpulan motor masuk jalan kat bahagian kereta. Kan jalan untuk bahagian motor ada, tak tau undang2 ke apa? Aku tengok ada pelekat P. Sah,memang tak tau undang2. Tak guna ambil lesen, baik bakar je. Part paling best, adalah beberapa orang tunjuk aksi. Macam superman. Untuk seketika, aku macam terpukau. First time tengok live dan berlaku sendiri depan mata. Terbang tapi tak tinggi pun. Kalau nak mati cepat, tak yah drag orang lain untuk mati sama. Berlagak habis. Lepas tu, aku malas nak layan dah. Aku biarkan ibu ngan abah mengomel pasal mamat2 tu. Baik layan lagu Kerna Sayang.

Dalam kepala, siapa yang patut disalahkan? Pihak yang bagi lesen patutnya tarik balik je lesen dorang, gantung lima tahun. Padan muka!! Ataupun nak tuding jari kat parents yang belikan mereka ni motor dan juga kebebasan? Ataupun kat mamat2 ni? Yang tak tahu hargai kebebasan yang diberi dan juga kemewahan yang dibagi?

Renung2kan lah. Dan selamat kan diri anda semua dari benda2 yang tak mendatangkan manfaat ini.
12 June 2009

Akhirnya Aku Grad..

11hb Jun 2009, adalah tarikh di mana aku dengan rasminya sudah tamat pengajian sebagai pelajar Diploma Analisis Pelaburan. Alhamdulillah, syukur Ya Allah. Eventhough, pada mulanya aku terkilan sebab tak dapat DL. Then,nak tak nak kita kena terima ketentuanNya. Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hambaNya. Tulah sape suruh malas2 lagi. Kata dia, 'Setakat tak DL, dugaan tu tak cukup besar lagi kalau nak bandingkan dengan orang lain. Ada lagi yang tak bernasib baik'. Thanks kamu!

Tahniah kawan2 yang berjaya tamatkan dengan AD, dan ada juga yang kawan2 tamat dengan ANC. Korang giler superb! Salute! Tapi, aku dengar ada juga yang terkandas. Tabahkan hati ye! Berusaha dan berusaha dan berusaha. Aku doakan korang yang terbaik. Memang korang akan cakap, sendiri yang menggalas berat, akan tahu bebannya. Tapi, percayalah yang korang boleh buat.

Thanks kepada lecturer2 di UiTM Johor yang telah mengajar dan mendidik aku ni. Dari aku Part 1 sampailah Part 6. Jasa kamu semua akan ku kenang. Tak lupa kepada kawan2. Banyak tolong aku bila tak paham,yelah kadang2 aku ni pending sekejap.

Sekarang aku tunggu result kemasukan degree pula. Berdebarnya. Haish...
03 June 2009

Bila Mereka Tak Ada

Well, it’s been to long that I didn’t update my blog. There’s nothing to write actually. Yeah right!!

Disebabkan budak2 tak ada kat rumah,sebab balik kampung dorang, aku jadi bosan pulak sebab tak tau nak wat apa. Haish.. Jadi online lah. Apelagi..

Love Test>> Imagine that are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house...

1. You are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. There are two roads to get there. One is a straight path which takes you there quickly, but is very plain and boring. The other is curvy and full of wonderful sights on the way, but takes quite a while to reach your loved one's house.

Which path do you choose? Short or long?

2. On the way, you see two rose bushes. One is full of white roses. One is full of red roses. You decide to pick 20 roses for your boyfriend/girlfriend.
What color combination do you choose?

(Any combination including all one color is fine.)

3. You finally get to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. You ring the bell and the maid answers. You can ask the maid to please get your loved one, or you may go get them yourself.

Which action do you take? Ask the maid or do it yourself?

4. Now, you go up to your girlfriend/boyfriends room. No one is there. You can leave the roses by the window sill, or on the bed.

Where do you put the roses? Bed or window?

5. Later, its time for bed. You and your loved one go to sleep, in separate rooms. You wake up in the morning, and go to your boyfriend/girlfriend's room to check up on him/her. You enter the room:

Is he/she awake or sleeping?

6. It's time to go home now, and you start to head back. You can take either road home now: The plain, boring one that gets you home fast; or the curvy, sight-filled road that you can just casually take your time with.

Which road do you choose? Short or long?


1. Which road do you choose to take to your love's house?

The roads represent your attitude towards falling in love. If you chose the short one, you fall in love quickly and easily.

If you chose the long one, you take your time and do not fall in love easily.

2. What combination of roses do you choose to give your love?

The number of red roses represents how much you expect to give in a relationship. The number of white roses represents how much you expect in a relationship. Therefore, if a person chose all red with one white, he/she gives 90% in the relationship but expects to receive only 10% back.

3. Do you ask the maid to get your love, or do you do it yourself?

This question shows your attitude in handling relationship problems. If you asked the maid to get your loved one, then you may beat around the bush, maybe asking a third party to intervene. Avoidance of problems runs high.

If you went and got your loved one yourself, then you are pretty direct. If there is a problem, you confront it and deal with it. You want to work it out right away.

4. Where do you put the roses? On the window sill or on the bed?

The placement of the roses indicates how often you'd like to see your boyfriend/girlfriend. Placing the roses on the bed means you need lots of reassurance in the relationship, and you'd want to see your loved one every day, if possible.

Placing the roses by the window show that you don't expect or need to see your loved one too often.

5. Do you find your love asleep or awake?

Finding your boyfriend/ girlfriend asleep: You accept your loved one the way they are.

Finding them awake: You expect him/her to change for you.

6. Which road do you choose to go home?

The short and long roads now represent how long you stay in love. If you chose the short one, you fall out of love easily.

If you chose the long one, you tend to stay in love for a long time.