26 October 2011

~Graduation BBA Finance~

After two years struggling, and on 24th October 2011, I'm officially graduated. Alhamdulillah. Rasa macam cepat, pantas kilat masa berlalu. Dah grad jugak. Syukur sangat. :)

Many thanks to abah ibu, my backbone for all the time and always be. Thanks to all my friends, yang baik, yang rapat, yang kawan bergosip ke, yang kawan jumpa dalam kelas ke, many thanks to all of you and congratulations to all of you. Dan tak lupa juga kepada adik2 yang sikit sebanyak membantu secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Kepada Mr.A juga. Orang yang selalu mendengar bebelan, keluhan, dan sewaktu dengannya. Thanks semua. Love you all.!!!

Dan ucapan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada lecturer2 UiTM yang banyak membantu. Anda semua best.! Memberi inspirasi, mendorong kami semua untuk belajar dan cemerlang supaya menjadi insan yang berguna suatu hari nanti. InsyaAllah.

Bawah ni video taken by Abah. Heee.. <3<3

Nak upload gambar2 pon, cable camera ni mana pulak pergi dia. Adoi adoii. Takpe, once dah jumpa aku upload kan.

Doakan kejayaan masing2 di dunia dan di akhirat. Sehingga bertemu lagi. ;)

19 October 2011

Master's Journey -20102011-

Bila baca2 journals, rasa macam tak paham2, baik tidur takpun buat benda lain. Dah 3 hari aku datang UiTM dengan harapan boleh baca dengan tenang tanpa gangguan. Yes,I did. Ada progress yang bolehlah nak dibanggakan. Kalau dapat baca satu pun kira bagus. Memang tak boleh nak duduk rumah, because too many distractions.

Kalau duduk sorang2, memang boleh focus and read. Cuma, when it comes to share ideas, anything that I want to talk about, and there's no one besides me, that time baru rasa lonely. Hahahha.. Pathetic me aite? Takpelah, redha. Rasanya lepas event International Islamic Finance & Business Symposium and Halal Carnival 2011 (IIBSC 2011) ada jugaklah dapat input sikit yang konon2 boleh ditambah dalam thesis. Hurm,kena korek notes balik. v(*.*)v

Dan sekarang bila dah ada Nurul temankan, bercakap pulak kerjanya. Hahaha.. Adoi adoi. Kerja tak jalan. Hurm,taboleh2 macam ni. Nak kena Hafizah ni.

Thanks to Mashi and Akid, semalam boleh jugak keluar pergi Sunway release tension. And double thanks to YOU sebab ada masa nak accompany me here when I have nobody to talk with. Peace.!! (~_^)
11 October 2011

Master's Journey -12102011-

Sekarang dah pukul 1.55 am. Mungkin aku dah patut tutup mata, rest kan diri dari terjaga sekarang. But I just can't. Nak kata sedih sangat tak jugak, tapi nak kata happy pun tak jugak. In the middle. Susahlah nak describe apa aku rasa. Bila dapat tahu Nurul dah dapat offer to be part of Tenaga Pengajar Muda (TPM), seriously I'm happy for her. I'm proud, sebab I know she deserves that. But then, bila dia kata dalam offer letter minta dia study SELAIN DARI UiTM, I was like, nak happy tak, nak sedih pun tak. Tapi rasanya kalau ikut percentage 30% is happy, and the others tu sedih kot. :(

She's the only friend yang ada sekarang, the one that I think I can share my story, my problem nak buat thesis ni, nak ajak buat tu, pergi sana sini, but why she is the one yang kena pergi?? Ya Allah, mungkinkah ada hikmah untuk apa KAU rancangkan ini? Sumpah aku sedih and I know dia pun sedih sebab kita dua dah sama2 janji nak take care each other, bagi semangat, nak sama advisor lah. Sekarang dia pun dalam dilema. I just praying that dia dapat buat keputusan yang terbaik. Ada sebab pihak atasan minta semua candidates sambung selain UiTM, to be a research university is not that easy. We need more researcher, so ni salah satu cara nak meramaikan lagi2 dari kalangan student sendiri dan bila dorang dah abis, dorang boleh share their knowledge their experiences to others.

Mata aku dah pedih2 ni. Tak ada mood langsung nak baca jurnal. Sebab tak masuk pun. Nurul, just want you to know that, kita sayang Nurul tau. Sayang sangat. Even Nurul nanti ditakdirkan pergi Universiti lain, kita harap sangat kita selalu dapat contact each other, share about your Mr.A to me, share what you get with new lecturer, new friends, new environment, new thinkers, new Prof, new Doctorate, and even small2 things that happen to you. Kita akan redha kalau2 friendship kita dua tak selama mana yang kita dua expect. Graduate sama2 kan? Kita doakan Nurul, and I want you to do the same. Doakan kita kuat kat sini. :(
03 October 2011

Master's Journey -03102011-

My journey just starts whether I realized it or not. It's almost a month I embarked on this semester. Never imagined that one day I'll take a course that I had promised to myself, never ever want this course since it's scarrryyyy. Next time, I should not promise anything with myself. Heeee..

Currently, I just gives myself some space, relaxing, not to burden myself so much since I want to end my journey at stipulated time. I'll try my very best to complete this journey. InsyaAllah. I never thought by doing MSc I can have much time for me since I'm not compulsory to attend any classes. But, seriously I said, I really need my own time to do my work then I will make sure library would be my 2nd home. Ngehngehngeh..

Right now, I don't have to worry much on seminar that it's compulsory to new post graduate students in order to get a certificate to present our proposal as well as Viva Voce. Here, the term they use is Defense Research Proposal (DRP). If you don't have this certificate, you won't able to present your proposal to panels and continue your Viva Voce. *I like to repeat the word; Viva Voce*. Sounds creepy aite? I know I know. That's why I forgone my desire to go induction and having sooooo much fun with flying fox, paintball, and yadayadayada. But, Alhamdulillah, I guess my decision with Nurul is the best actions ever.

Oh yes, my friend Nurul, my best friend for this journey. Thanks being with me. We're now complementing each other, because I need you as much as you need me.

Many stories after this entry and hopefully, readers won't get bored with me. Hahahaha...