24 April 2011

Tarikh Penting

Rasanya perasaan yang bercampur2 tu dah tak ada. Sebab at the end, kita sendiri yang kena fikir apa solutions nya. Cuma apabila dikongsi bersama, kita akan rasa lebih lega. Phewww.! Lupakan perasaan yang bercampur, sekarang kena tumpukan satu benda yang penting. Yup, this is my last semester as BBA Finance student. Hopefully, semuanya yang dirancang dipermudahkan oleh mu Ya Tuhan. Still working on my data and findings. Last time jumpa Dr.Catherine, kena tambah lagi data and there's also mistakes. Careless. -.- Tapi takpe, jadikan semua tu satu titik semangat supaya kita akan jadi lebih baik. Ini memang menguji kesabaran, fizikal, mental. Sebab sebelum ni, even ada class Research Methodology, aku tak pernah buat fully research. So, mungkin ilmu dan pengalaman yang ada ni boleh digunakan bila aku sambung Master and insyaAllah PhD nanti.

Cakap pasal sambung Master ni, aku belum lagi beli no.pin. Busy betul, nak keluar pun susah. Lepas beli kena buat essays. 700 words.! Apa je lah aku nak membebel dalam essay tu. So, mana kawan2 yang nak sambung, cepat2 beli no.pin, isi borang online, and kalau nak further MBA kena buat essay. Oh,lupa ada interview jugak nanti. Tarikh tutup hantar borang dan essay is on 31st of May. Hurry up.! Jangan delay2 ok? Dr.Catherine kata, kalau nak jadi lecturer kena ambil research instead of coursework. Hurm, she did offer me to be her research assistant, tapi masalahnya TPM pun dah close. Mungkin aku akan cuba alternative lain.

Ok, tarikh penting yang paling hampir adalah untuk Viva. In other words, my presentation for thesis. Dr.Catherine and my examiner Puan Zetty dah agree nak buat on 3rd of May. Ok, doa2 takde aral melintang aku boleh present on that day. Because on the 4th tu aku kena report duty kat UMW. They ask for me to report duty on 2nd of May, then bila aku cakap ada presentation on 3rd, aku hanya boleh masuk on 4th. Nampak tak kat sini? I don't have time to honeymoon pun. One after another but orang kata rezeki tu jangan ditolak. Lagipun, aku mungkin takkan rasa lonely sangat kat sana since Naim ada. Dialah kena jadi tourist guide aku nanti. Hahaha.. Memang kau lah aku buli.

Sementara ada masa ni, bagi student yang tak tahu nak spend cuti 4 bulan kat rumah, buat2lah cari kerja or benda2 yang berfaedah. Sebab masa muda ni lah, peluang yang ada untuk cari ilmu dan kumpul duit banyak2. You will be great in the future.! Jangan nak duduk rumah, lepak2, habiskan duit saja. Ok, bye.!

21 April 2011

Mixed Feelings..

I don't know how to express these feelings, how to start it or to story on this. It just maybe, I need someone to talk. But, they have their own problem and difficulties too. I'm not going to add mine.
07 April 2011

My First Interview.. I mean the real interview..

I never have any experience on this. Nil.! I do realized that how education and your grade can influence you and your interviewer. Fuhhh..!! There's something that maybe I can share. When you are not good enough or can't score any papers in your exam, please do realize that one day they will question you back. Trust me.

Your grades are important, so please don't take it lightly. That are the first stage they might want to see besides your commitment. But, let bygone be bygone if you are at my age now. It's not a big deal but you need to be more focus in the future time.This advise may be valuable to those who are still play around or do not take it seriously on their study. Guys, please do understand that education is the only factor that can ensure your future.