30 November 2009

Kenapa mesti macam tu?

Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. (Retrieved from Wikipedia, 1st November 2009)

Kenapa tiba-tiba aku define word love ni? Sebab aku rasa korang semua mesti ada pendapat masing-masing. Pendapat aku? Biarlah rahsia. Bukan apa, kadang-kadang bila ada orang minat kat boy/girl ni, dorang akan bersungguh-sungguh buat apa saja untuk dapatkan boy/girl dia suka. Tapi,once boy/girl ni dah dapat, dorang macam dah lupa betapa susahnya nak ubah relationship dari friend kepada bf/gf. I mean here special relationship lah kan.

Mungkin lain orang, lain cara dia. Lain prinsip dia dalam sesuatu hubungan. Try to understand each other, but sometimes if one part je yang mainkan peranan pun ia tak akan jadi. Then, how to try to understand each other macam tu? You tell me then. Mungkin bila bf/gf korang hantar status relationship kat laman sosial, then their bf/gf tak pernah nak approve. Could you ask your bf/gf why? There must be a reason. Must be. It doesn't mean your bf/gf embarrass to let people know, maybe it's because they afraid with that status. People will know if you change your status, and of course their mouth can't shut up eventhough with gum gajah pun kan. Haish~~

Next, ego vs prinsip. Which come first? I know some people ego dorang sangatlah tinggi, lebih tinggi dari awan dan langit. Prinsip pulak macam korang pertahankan sesuatu sebab korang percaya dan benda tu dah sebati dengan jiwa korang. Contohnya macam korang minat sorang boy/girl ni, then korang try approach dia. But, so many times korang try, jawapannya still sama. NO! Kenapa? Mungkin korang tak tahu ada lack or something yang korang tak perasan. Mungkin, cara korang approach tu salah. Tak kena dengan prinsip dia. Mungkin dia nak korang confess or try approach dengan cara yang sangat romantik dan gentleman dengan face to face. Takkan lah dia nak cakap,'Eh awak, boleh tak kalau awak approach saya macam ni macam ni.' Chisi! Figure it out lah cara yang betul and proper. Oh, mungkin sebab korang takut ditolak bukan? Sebab korang akan rasa down dan malu. Hey, please don't if korang rasa tak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Atau mungkin ada reason lain dia tak terima. Hurm...

Oh, and mungkin bila bf/gf korang tag gambar bf/gf dia. Then, after few days bf/gf ni removekan tag tu. Why? Ok, there must be a reason. So, as bf/gf kena paham kenapa dia buat macam tu kan? Even, korang akan rasa sangat sedih and rasa nak backhand je tapi try to understand your bf/gf. Again, try to understand. If you ada prinsip sendiri, kenapa dia tak boleh ada prinsip dia juga?

Ok then, jump to worst part which is break up. Hah! Benda yang sangat sakit dari sakit kepala or sakit korang jatuh basikal. Apa yang aku nampak, people will hate their partner once dia dah tak ada apa-apa. Plus, dia akan hasut orang lain supaya benci partner dia tu jugak. Kenapa mesti macam tu ye? It just between you with him/her. Don't drag others to hate him/her. Lainlah kalau yang lain tu memang dah benci kan, tapi tak payah nak curahkan minyak kat api yang marak. Did you get what I'm trying to say? If kita berpisah, please berpisah dengan cara yang elok. Jangan ada benci dan kalau boleh stay as a friend and lagi elok best friend. Tak salahkan buat macam tu? Pray for their happiness and their success in the future. That's much much better.

Don't worry. You're human- your memory is no more than a sieve.Time heals all wounds for your kind.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 3, p.71

p/s: 'If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.'


maryame karpov said...

dear hafizahabdrahim my besties,
mbaca entry ini,i feel u believe me i do,
hate to say much but edward cullen says holds true,and i believe u r a strong lady,bercinta mmg mcmtu,kdg2 sgt menkonfiuskan,bertahan lah k..kdg2 die bkn penamat segala yg indah kamu berdua lalui,cume ujian,cubalah bertahan may allah be by ur side..

hafizahabdulrahim said...

wahai mak ety kesayangan,
thanks coz understand me =)
u always do to understand me
kita nak sgt klu mcm kita kat sgmt,
like kita gosip2 and share ceritera cinta..
hurm,thanks and insyaAllah kita cuba.. ^^

Shamin said...

totally agree with the fourth paragraph. u shud probably tell that line to "you-know-who". haha


hafizahabdulrahim said...


Shamin said...

yes pjot. u know whom i am referring to kan? keep it to urself if u know ok? hahahah

hafizahabdulrahim said...

yes,i know..
ur secret safe with me ;)

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